Vanessa Gimpel (Avid Homebrewer)

Expertise: Homebrewing, Belgian Ales, Experimental Brews

I grew up in south-east Australia, in a little beach town about an hour and a half south of Sydney and now live in the south-east of the USA in Lake Worth, Florida.

I’ve lived here on and off for about 7 years, with a 2 year stint in rural, beach-side Costa Rica in between (see a pattern here?)!

I love to brew beers that are a little out of the ordinary; my favorite style to brew is probably Belgian ales, followed closely by any style with a creatively used hop twist.

I’ve only just started entering homebrew competitions, but recently scored a bronze medal for my Belgian Dark Strong Ale at the Coconut Cup in Miami.

“Brewing is about defying the ordinary; it’s a creative expedition where every hop and malt brings you closer to a unique concoction, especially when it sings with the heart of Belgian tradition amidst a rhythm of innovative hops.”

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