
How To Brew Munich Helles Beer: Crafting Bavaria’s Iconic Golden Lager at Home

Munich Helles was first brewed out of necessity. It was brewed as a way to compete with other brewers who were developing styles in other parts of Germany.

More specifically, Josef Groll, was developing recipes for a new style of beer in Plzeň, Bohemia.

This beer Groll developed quickly became the new beer wave all throughout Europe. Many tried to copy this trend as well, except for Bavaria.

Standing Their Ground

Bavarian brewers at first turned their noses to this new trend. They stubbornly grabbed their pints of brown dunkles, bocks, and märzens. Here they stood their collective brewer’s ground.

As the Bavarian brewers would walk through local beer gardens, the shades of brown and amber liquids were seen being consumed by the locals.

However, change was a comin’. As bright as the morning sun, a golden beer was on the horizon.

Like Father, Like Son

Throughout his thirty plus years as the owner of Spaten Brewery, Gabriel Sedlmayr transformed the brewing scene in Munich. After Sedlmayr’s death, his sons Gabriel II and Josef took over.

Sedlmayr II was much like his father, creative and extremely innovative. As we learned with the Vienna Lager, Sedlmayr II met up with Anton Dreher, and became interested in new innovation in the kilning process.

Also, the installation of refrigeration technology spurred a new way to respond to the pilsner question that was looming.

In 1894, Spatan released their very first golden lager. They would call it helles, which translates to “bright,” “pale,” or “light.” This new beer from Spatan was a touch lighter than the Bohemian Pilsner.

As its counterpart relied on a significant hop presence both with aroma and bitterness, the helles’ claim to fame was its stronger malt character.

Seeing the Light

This new found “light” that Spatan casted on the Munich brewing scene was well received by the locals. However, the Munich brewers were not so quick to fall in love with this new style. They claimed tradition was being ignored.

As Jeff Alworth in The Beer Bible points out, the brewers in Munich “threatened to form a dunkel coalition committed to blackballing helles.”

In the end, helles became more popular and even these same brewers who were against this beer were actually brewing this new style themselves.

Munich Helles Style Profile


Color ranges from yellow to light gold. Beer should be crystal clear and have a creamy, good sized, lasting white head.


Aroma is grainy sweetness. Very slight notes of DMS is acceptable. Ideally, it will be clean, bright aroma, and fermentation profile. Low hop aroma, which is expressed as floral, spicy, and/or herbal.


Medium body and medium carbonation. Very smooth and soft palate presence.


Medium maltiness of sweet grainy and slight breadiness. There is a soft roundness on the palate. Hop bitterness is only balancing at a low to low-medium level. Hop flavor is the same as the aroma floral, spicy, and/or herbal.

Food Pairing

Due to the maltiness of a Munich Helles, this beer pairs really well with a pizza. German food such as bratwurst and sauerkraut is a good pairing.

A Reuben, bacon, ham, pretzels all are good choices. Fish such as flounder, sole, crab, shrimp can also play well. Cheeses such as Chevre, Mozzarella, Brie, Gouda, Cotija, and mild Swiss all pair well with a good Munich Helles.

Munich Helles By the Numbers

  • Color Range: 3 – 5 SRM
  • Original Gravity: 1.044 – 1.048 OG
  • Final Gravity: 1.006 – 1.012 FG
  • IBU Range: 16 – 22
  • ABV Range: 4.7 – 5.4%
Image Source: PintsandPanels

Tips for Brewing your own Munich Helles


A high-quality Pilsner malt has everything you need to make a good Munich Helles. This malt will provide enough color and grainy-sweet flavor that you are looking for in this beer. It really is that simple.

If you want to get a little complex with your grain bill, you can add anywhere from 5 – 20% of either Munich or Vienna malt. If using Munich, it is suggested to keep it on the low side.

If you desire to add any specialty malts, keep it under 10 percent of the total grist. Some specialty malts to consider include, CaraPils, Carafoam, or Wheat. All of these malts are known for their ability to help with the head and overall body of the beer.

Ray Daniels in his book, Designing Great Beers, advocated for some Belgian Biscuit malt to add a little biscuit character. I believe this is what Martin was after when deciding to add some Victory malt to his recipe.


Usually you will want to keep your hop additions with the Noble hop family. Tettanger, Hallertauer, Saaz, Spalt are your choices here.

You could decide on some American hops that have proven to be hybrids of noble lineage; these include Crystal, Sterling, Perle, and Mt. Hood. Since Noble hops have a low amount of alpha-acids, you may be adding a little more to hit the IBU mark.


Usually a decoction is traditional for a Helles recipe. You can also consider a two-step infusion mash. The steps for an Infusion Mash include the following:

Start with a thicker mash ratio of between 0.8 and 1.0 qts/lb, mash in and rest at 131°F (55°C)for 15-30 minutes, stir often, then ramp it up by adding boiling water to a conversion temperature of 150F(65°C).

Once conversion is complete, raise the mash to 170F(76°C) for mash out. Sparge slowly with 170F(76°C) water, collect enough water for a 90-minute boil.


  • White Labs Munich Helles WLP860, or Southern German Lager WLP838
  • Wyeast Munich Lager II 2352, or Hella Bock Lager 2487
  • Imperial Yeast Harvest L17
  • Dry Saflager S-23, or W34/70

Munich Helles Homebrew Recipe


  • 87% 8.5 lbs Pilsner German
  • 10% 1 lb Vienna Malt
  • 3% .25lb Victory Malt


  • 1.50 oz Hallertauer – Boil 60.0 min
  • 0.50 oz Hallertauer – Boil 15.0 min


  • 1.0 pkg Munich Lager Yeast (Wyeast#2308)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Helles Beer?

Helles beer, originating from Munich, Germany, is a traditional, pale lager that is malt-forward and possesses a subdued hop bitterness.

The name “Helles” translates to “pale” in German, which is indicative of its light color. This beer style showcases a mild sweetness from the malt, balanced by a low to moderate hop bitterness, making it highly drinkable and refreshing.

How is Helles Pronounced?

The word “Helles” is pronounced as “hel-les,” with the “h” sounded as in “hello” and the “e” pronounced like the “e” in “bet.” The “lles” is pronounced as “les” in “less.”

What Differentiates a Munich Helles from Other Lagers?

Munich Helles stands out from other lagers due to its delicate balance of sweet maltiness and low hop bitterness. This beer style emphasizes the quality and characteristics of the malt used in the brewing process.

Unlike other lagers that might have a more pronounced hop flavor or varying color profiles, Munich Helles remains pale with a clean, crisp finish, embodying the quintessence of a well-crafted lager.

What are the Key Ingredients in a Munich Helles Recipe?

A Munich Helles recipe primarily revolves around quality German Pilsner malt, which imparts the signature malt sweetness. Helles hops, typically Hallertau or Tettnang varieties, are used sparingly to provide a subtle bitterness and aroma without overshadowing the malt character.

The Munich Helles yeast is essential in achieving the desired clean fermentation profile, while the Munich Helles water profile, with a specific mineral composition, plays a role in enhancing the overall mouthfeel and taste.

How can I make my best Helles?

To create your best Helles, adhering to a traditional Munich Helles recipe is a wise starting point. Utilizing authentic ingredients such as German Pilsner malt, Hallertau hops, and a reliable Munich lager yeast, alongside following the brewing process meticulously, will bring you close to the desired outcome.

Moreover, paying attention to the Munich Helles water profile and ensuring a clean fermentation process will significantly contribute to achieving a high-quality Munich Helles.

Experimenting within the bounds of traditional brewing techniques, and possibly consulting recipes like the Munich Helles recipe by Jamil, could further refine your brewing process and lead to a Helles that meets your satisfaction.

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