Popular Beers People Can’t Stand – And Their Savage Reasons Why

Beer fans can be fiercely loyal—but also brutally honest when it comes to calling out disappointing brews.

We asked our community “What popular beer isn’t worth the time you spent drinking it?”

The responses were blunt, funny, and at times downright savage.

Here are the top 10 beers our followers just can’t stand, based on the most-liked and most-commented responses.

Top 10 Beers Fans Think Aren’t Worth the Hyp

1. Bud, Bud Light, Guinness, Heineken, and Any IPA

Some brews might be household names, but that doesn’t mean they’re beloved. Classics like Bud and Guinness were slammed for being “overrated” and “bland,” while IPAs took heat for being too bitter for casual drinkers.

“Bud, Bud Light, Guinness, Heineken, and any IPA.” – Justin S.

2. Budweiser

“The King of Beers” was dethroned by many in our community. While some value its history and availability, others see Budweiser as the ultimate symbol of corporate beer mediocrity.

“Budweiser.” – Michael D.

3. Bud Light (Roasted with Extra Sass)

Bud Light couldn’t dodge the criticism. Known for being light in both calories and taste, this brew’s reputation continues to divide beer lovers everywhere.

“Q u e e r beer I mean Bud Light lol.” – Jeremy M.

4. A Good Beer Is… Any Open Beer?

Sometimes, beer opinions come with a dose of humor. One respondent kept it simple—open beer is good beer—but maybe they meant “drink at your own risk.”

“A good beer is an open one 🍻.” – Graham S.

5. Icehouse, Steel Reserve, and 40-Ounce Specials

High-alcohol malt liquors like Steel Reserve and Icehouse took a beating for their harsh taste and cheap ingredients. Despite being affordable, they clearly don’t win any popularity contests.

“Icehouse, Steel Reserve, and any of those 40 oz. malt liquors.” – Stephen C.

6. Coors Light

A popular choice for beer commercials, Coors Light’s crisp taste didn’t impress some of our followers. They felt its flavor disappears faster than the Rockies on its label turn blue.

“Coors Light is just…water pretending to be beer.” – Alex R.

7. Natural Light (aka Natty Light)

The unofficial beer of college parties, Natty Light was bashed for tasting like carbonated water. Its reputation as a budget beer definitely came through loud and clear.

“Natural Light…it’s like drinking sadness.” – Jamie T.

8. Keystone Light

Another staple of the cheap-beer world, Keystone Light was mocked for its lack of any distinctive taste. It’s the drink for when you’re thirsty…and have zero expectations.

“Keystone Light is the ‘just here for the alcohol’ beer.” – Chris M.

9. Michelob Ultra

Billed as a light beer for the health-conscious, Michelob Ultra took some heat for being too watered down. People seemed to feel that drinking it was like drinking…not much at all.

“Michelob Ultra…might as well drink sparkling water.” – Sarah P.

10. Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)

Though it’s an ironic hipster favorite, PBR didn’t escape the burn list. Its old-school marketing can’t hide its polarizing taste, described by some as “a step above water.”

“PBR is just nostalgia in a can—but not the good kind.” – Mark W.

Beer opinions are as diverse as the brews themselves. Whether it’s a global brand or a nostalgic throwback, each one has its fans—and its fierce critics.

What’s your most overrated beer?

Let us know in the comments and join the conversation!

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